ZeroWaste Meeting PM in Malmo – Sweden

The event was held in connection with the Transnational Project Meeting held
in Malmö, Sweden, on September 6-7, 2022. Therefore, representatives of
the partner organizations could participate and contribute to the event, while
also having the chance to network and share their own expertise with the

It was organized in a workshop/panel format, during which participants had a
chance to be introduced to the goals and objectives of project while also
having a direct training in selected topics of the IO1 training material
(legislations and smart cities). The panel was contributed by several
speakers from different sectors, including:
1. Representatives of NGOs and private companies working within
sustainability/waste management/circular economy
2. Representatives of the academia, including professors from Lund
University (Sweden) and from the partner organizations
3. Representative of Lund Municipality, who is directly involved with the
project Lund 2030, part of the Viable Cities initiative.
4. Representative of Avfall Sverige, which represents all 290
municipalities and is often asked as a referral body and actively
contributes with views before political decisions through its referral
responses. Avfall Sverige has ongoing contacts with the Riksdag
(Parliament) and government as well as with several authorities in
matters relating to waste management and recycling.

ZeroWaste Meeting and TM in Malmo and Lund University – Sweden

On September 5-6-7th, 2022, the ZeroWaste Consortium met in Malmö, Sweden for a partner meeting that was an opportunity for the exchange of information from each national context and experience regarding the project’s results, activities, and next steps.
In the months prior to the meeting, the partners have worked on the development and finalization of the following results:
• Waste education guide for adult educators and teachers
• training portal and software tools
• Zero Waste Circular Economy Adult Training ToolBox
• Policy Library: Latest European policies on zero waste CE, policy advice from partners and stakeholders
• Entrepreneurship Manual for zero waste CE

In addition to that, a very successful multiplier event was organized for the project on September 6th 2022 in Lund, Sweden. With five different panels, the event counted with a total of 13 speakers, including representatives of the ZeroWaste consortium, of the academia, the public sector, and local initiatives. During the event, the around 45 participants had a chance to see the project experience, including the content of two of the project’s modules.

They could also have insights into reflections from recent studies in the sectos, and the initiatives of Lund municipality, Avfall Sverige, and of private or not-for-profit organizations around Lund to promote zero-waste and the circular economy.

AGENDA of 2nd MP and 4th TPM (Face to Face)

04 September Arrival / 05-06 September, 2022 / 7 September Departure

Malmö and Lund, Sweden

Event topic: Building adult competences in Zero Waste Circular Economy in Europe (Zero-Waste) Sub-topic: Zero-waste and climate change: Challenges, Consequences, and Promising Initiatives

Day 1 – 05 Malmö 2022.

05 September, 2022
Time Subject Responsible partner
Opening Session
10:00-10:15 Welcome by Julia Moreira

Meeting Place: STPLN

Stapelbäddsgatan 3
211 75 Malmö

Agenda of the day

SwIdeas, SE
10:15-11:15 Partners’ presentations cover last 20 months activities All partners

(5-10 minutes/partner)

11:15-11:30 Break
Review of the Intellectual Outputs, Disseminations, Quality Report and MEs
11:30-11:45 IQ1: Baseline report and innovative training curriculum

(Start/End Date:31.12.2020/31.05.2022)

SwIdeas, SE
11:45-12:00 Q1A3-Zero Waste CE training curriculum and training course for adult educators

(Start/End Date: 01.06.2021-31.05.2022)


SwIdeas, SE

12:00-13:00 Presentations of Modules
Module 1: Zero Waste introduction & principles IDU, TR
Module 2: Circular economy & Smart waste under the Zero Waste concept EMKICE, MK
Module 3: Smart cities & Zero Waste concept KARESI, TR
Module 4: Reduce SPU, SK
Module 5: Reuse BAUN, TR
Module 6: Recycling FUE-UJI, ES
Module 7: Legislation at EU and national levels


SwIdeas, SE
Module 8: Case Studies SwIdeas, SE
13:00 Lunch at a zero-waste restaurant

14:15-14:45 Q1A4- Waste education guide for adult educators and teachers:

         (Start/End date: 01.04.2022-31.05.2022)




14:45-15:00 IQ2-Development of the ICT related resources and toolbox support for the pilot training

Q2A1– Development of the ICT related resources – training portal and software tools

Revision of portal and testing in preparation for event

   Planning and timetable

15:00-15:30 Q2A2-Zero Waste Circular Economy Adult Training ToolBox

          (Start/End date: 01.11.2021-31.05.2022)

Planning and timetable


SwIdeas, SE


15:30-15:45 Break
15:45 – 16:15 Q2A3-Policy Library: Latest European policies on zero waste CE, policy advice from partners and stakeholders

         (Start/End date: 01.06.2022-30.09.2022)

Planning and timetable



16:15 – 16:30 Q3A1- Entrepreneurship Manual for zero waste CE

      (Start/End date: 01.03.2022-31.07.2022)

Planning and timetable

16:30 End of day I
19:30 Social dinner


Day 2 Morning – 06 Malmö 2022.

06 September, 2022
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome & arrival

Meeting place: STPLN

Stapelbäddsgatan 3
211 75 Malmö

SwIdeas, SE
9:15 – 9:30 Presentation of 10 months Dissemination Report KARESI, TR
9:30 – 10:00 Presentation of the Quality Control Report BAUN, TR
10:00 – 10:15 Presentation of the Multiplier Event Strategy

Draft methodology and templates for reporting

10:15 – 10:30 Break
10:30 – 11:00 Management, administrative and financial issues IDU-BAUN, TR
11:00 – 11:30 Planning future activities and next steps IDU, TR and all partners
11:30 Closing session All partners
11:30 – 13:00 Leaving Malmö and arrival in Lund. Tour in Lund and around the university buildings All Partners
13:30 – 17:30 Participation in the Zero Waste Multiplier Event in Lund, Sweden All Partners
Departures: 07 September, 2022


Day 2 Afternoon – 06 Lund 2022 – Multiplier Event

12:00 – 13:00

Tour around Lund and visit the university campus

13:30 – 17:30 Multiplier Event

Event meeting place: AF-Borgen

Room: Kerstins Rum

Address: Sandgatan 2, Lund


13:15 – 13:30h Arrival and networking
13:30 – 13:45 Session 1 (15 min)

Welcome & Introduction

Speaker: SwIdeas AB

The ZeroWaste project
Introduction to goals, objectives, and results
Project partners
Going through the results and presenting platform
13:45 – 14:20 Session 2, part 1 (15 min each speaker, 5 min Q&A)

Challenges and consequences of the current economic system on the environment

14:20 – 14:55 Session 2, part 2 (10 min each speaker, 5 min Q&A)
14:55 – 15:15 Break
15:15 – 15:50 Session 3, part 1 (35 min, 15 min each speaker, 5 min Q&A)

The public sector & legislation – initiatives

16:05 – 16:40 Session 3, part 2 (35 min, 10 min each speaker, 5 min Q&A)
16:40 – 17:10 Session 4 (30 min, 5-10 min each)

Promising initiatives from the private & not-for-profit sectors

17:10 – 17:20 Session 5 (15 min)

Conclusions & ways forward: contributions from the public

Closing & Networking

Note: final list of speakers to be provided by August 25th

Participants included the speakers of the panel sessions, as well as students
from Lund and Malmö Universities and other NGOs, organizations, and
companies, particularly SMEs and entrepreneurs.

Stay Connected
