ZeroWaste KoM Meeting in Izmir – Turkiye


MINUTES of 3rd (1st PM) Meeting (face to face and hybrid)

11-12th October, 2021, İzmir, Turkey


  • to present the project consortium
  • to discuss the latest improvements in the Zero-Waste project,
  • to evaluate the last 10 months activities in the first face to face meeting,
  • to discuss on the curriculum, modules, module contents and templates for Q1A3,
  • to present improvement in Q2A1, website statistics, OERs environment and the e-learning platform,
  • to discuss the Dissemination and Quality management reports for last 10 months,
  • to present the needs for the management and financial issues,
  • to plan for four face to face TPMs,
  • to discuss on the midterm report,
  • to create a timetable for next 6 months ativities.


  • the finalized Q1A1 and Q1A2,
  • the planned activities for Q1A3,
  • the discussed improvements on Q2A1,
  • defined OERs and e-learning platform,
  • defined dissemination and quality management reports for last 10 months,
  • defined deadlines for the next six months activities, tasks and deadlines.


Representatives of the following partners of the project attended the meeting:

  • The representatives of Izmir Democracy University, TURKEY

Dr. Metin Akbulut, Dr. Rükan Kutlu Korlu

  • The representatives of Balıkesir University, TURKEY

Prof. Dr. Ergün Demir and Dr. Fatmagül Tolun

  • The representative of SWIDEAS, SWEDEN
  • Julia Moreira and Abdallah Sobeih (online participation)
  • The representative of SPU, SLOVAKIA (online participation)

Prof. Dr. Zuzana Palkova

  • The representative of EMKICE , MACEDONIA

Ilija Vuckov and Anita Spasovska

  • The representatives of Karesi Municipality, TURKEY

Özgür Aycil and Umut Gültekin

  • The representatives of FUE-UJI, SPAIN

Nela Gomez and Maria Ventura

3th Partners Meeting (1st face to face meeting) Agenda

Arrivals: 10 October, 2021
11 October, 2021
Time Subject Responsible partner
Opening Session
10:00-10:30 Welcome (Prof. Dr. Bedriye TUNÇSİPER, Rector)

Agenda of the day

By leader of the project IDU, TR
10:30-11:30 Partners’ presentations cover last 10 months activities All partners

(5-10 minutes/partner )

11:30-12:00 Break
Review of the Intellectual Outputs, Disseminations, Quality Report and MEs
12:00 – 12:30 IQ1: Baseline report and innovative training curriculum

(Start/End Date:31.12.2020/31.05.2022)

12:30-13:00 Q1A3-Zero Waste CE training curriculum and training course for adult educators

(Start/End Date: 01.06.2021-31.03.2022)


13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Presentations of Module Contents
Module 1 Zero Waste introduction & principles IDU, TR
Module 2 Circular economy & Smart waste under the Zero Waste concept EMKICE, MK
Module 3 Smart cities & Zero Waste concept KARESI, TR
Module 4 Recycling FUE-UJI, ES
Module 5 Reuse BAUN, TR
Module 6 Reduce SPU, SK and BAUN, TR
Module 7 Legislation at EU and national levels SWIDEAS, SE
15:00 -15:30 Break
15:30 -16:00 IQ2-Development of the ICT related resources and toolbox support for the pilot training

Q2A1- Development of the ICT related resources – training portal and software tools

(Start/End Date:31.12.2020-31.10.2021)

  16:00 -16:15 Presentation of 10 months Dissemination Report KARESI, TR
   16:15-16:30 Presentation of the Quality Control Report BAUN, TR
16:30-17:00 Presentation of the Multiplier Event Strategy and Draft Methodology EMKICE, MK
Closing Session
17:00-17:30 Evaluation of the day All partners
19:30 Social Dinner by IDU


12 October, 2021
10:00 – 10:30 Management, Administrative and Financial issues IDU-BAUN, TR
10:30-11:00 Planning future activities and next steps IDU, TR and all partners
11:00-12:00 Closing session All partners
14:00-17:00 Tour and Participation in the Zero Waste Event in Izmir All Partners
Departures: 13 October, 2021




On 11-12.10.2022, the 3rd meeting was held in Izmir, Turkey organized by the applicant coordinator, Izmir Democracy University. The meeting was the first face-to-face meeting (KoM). However, SWEDIAS from Sweden and SPU from Slovakia were participated online in the meeting as hybrid meeting type.

The meeting agenda was divided in three main sessions:

  • Opening session,
  • Review of the Intellectual Outputs, Disseminations, Quality Management Report and Multiplier Events,
  • Closing session.

Opening session:

The meeting was opened and started by Izmir Democracy University, Dr. Metin Akbulut who welcomed the project partners and presented the program of the meeting. Dr. Rükan Kutlu Korlu gave welcome message and presented the latest improvements in Zero-Waste project in Izmir. IDU presented plans to organize dissemination meetings, events and coordinate a survey to learn how the changed the behavior of the people when they educated about the zero waste by meetings and paper brochures with the Karabağlar Municipality. After welcome speech, each partner made their presentations covering last 10 months improvements and tasks for  Intellectual Outputs  add dissemination activities.

Review of the Intellectual Outputs, Quality Management Report, Multiplier Events and Dissemination:

After the presentation of the partners, the project leader Dr. Metin Akbulut and Prof. Dr. Ergün Demir from Balıkesir University presented the summary of the tasks, latest improvements in the project, progress report, objectives, activities   and   expected   outcomes, partner responsibilities, task timetable according to the meeting agenda. The partners are agreed on the task responsibilities and the deadlines of the project.

Dr. Ergün Demir presented the latest version of the Q1A1 and Q1A2. He said these two activities were finished and the documents were translated to the national languages.

Julia Moreira from SWIDEAS (SE) made a general presentation on the improvement in the IQ1- Baseline report and innovative training curriculum.

Prof. Dr. Zuzana Palkova and Julia Moreira presented the plan for the Q1A3-Zero Waste CE training curriculum and training course for adult educators. They presented the curriculum, templates and details for the modules, number of pages and slides. They presented how the case studies will be prepared. Ilija Vuckov from EMKICE proposed to make an additional module for the case studies and increase the number of module, 8th module for case studies.  The proposal was approved by the partners.

Ilija  said that “3Rs Modules”, reduce, reuse and recycling have the same structure. The partners decided that Julia from SWIDEAS and Ilija from EMKICE will prepare a content for  Module 4: REDUCE, Module 5: REUSE and Module 6: RECYCLING to make the same structure for these 3 modules.

The partners were agreed on the modules focus on explaining Zero Waste and clarifying the difference between concepts (circular economy, zero waste, smart waste and smart cities) and on zero waste principles.

The last version of adapted modules and the responsibilities are the following:

Module 1
Zero Waste introduction & principles

Module 2
Circular economy & Smart waste under the Zero Waste concept

Module 3
Smart cities & Zero Waste concept

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Module 7
Legislation at EU and national levels

Module 8
Case Studies
All Partners

The volume of the training materials content should be comparable to the one of the Zero-Waste project, which means that upper limit of the 15 pages for the word document and 30 slides the ppt with 10 evaluation questions each. Each module will contain 2 case studies, and each of them will be maximum 3 pages.

Julia from SWIDEAS presented a timetable for the Q1A3 and the activity will be finished by 31 March, 2022.

Dr. Metin Akbulut from IDU made a presentation IQ2-Development of the ICT related resources and toolbox support for the pilot training/Q2A1- Development of the ICT related resources – training portal and software tools. He presented the latest statistics for the project website, social media accounts and indicated to increase users, likes, shares and visitors to the website and the social media accounts.

Karesi Municipality presented the Dissemination Report.

Balıkesir University presented the Quality Management Report.

Management, administrative, financial issues and the needs for the midterm report were presented by the coordinator.

The partners agree not to extend the deadline of the project.

Closing session:

The partners made a timetable for next 6 months activities, responsibilities and deadlines are the following:


Zero-Waste no2020-1-TR01-KA204-093013

Agreement Report: 3rd meeting(face-to-face and hybride Date:11-12.10.2021
No Subject of acceptance DEADLINE Responsible
1.       Q1A3-Zero Waste CE curriculum and training content for adult educators  




– Development of the curriculum 01.06.2021-15.08.2021




-Development of template for training content 01.08.2021-31.08.2021




– Preparation of the modules and case studies




All partners


-Cross checking of the modules




All partners


-Translation of the modules and case studies


01.01.2022-31.03.2022 All partners
Module 1:  Zero Waste introduction & principles


Module 2:  Circular economy & Smart waste under the Zero Waste concept


Module 3:  Smart cities & Zero Waste concept


Module 4: Reduce


Module 5: Reuse


Module 6:  Recycling


Module 7:  Legislation at EU and national levels

Zero Waste introduction & principles

Module 8: Case studies All partners
2.       IQ2-The ICT related resources and toolbox to support pilot training

Q2A1- Development of the ICT related resources – training portal and software tools









3.       Preparation of Project NEWSLETTER-2

– Translation to the national languages and printing







All partners

4.       2nd meeting Slovakia

3rd meeting in Macedonia

4th meeting in Sweden

Final meeting and conference in Spain

03-04-March, 2022

03-04 June, 2022

05-06 September, 2022

15-16 December, 2022


All partners


Financial Report and Dissemination report


reporting period 31.12.2020-30.11.2021



All partners

‘The minutes were prepared for 3rd meeting (1st face-to-face and hybrid meeting) for Zero-Waste project organized by IDU, Coordinator institution, in Izmir, Turkey, on 11-12 October, 2021. Partners were of the same opinion to accept and sign the minutes of the meeting.

Dr. Metin Akbulut



Prof. Dr. Ergün Demir                                                                     Julia Moreira

BAUN, TR                                                                                          SWEIDAS, SE

Prof. Dr. Zuzana Palkova                                                                Ilija Vuckov

SPU, SK                                                                                              EMKICE, MK

Ozgür Aycil                                                                                       Nela Gomez

Karesi Municipality, TR                                                                    FUE-UJI, ES

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