Multiplier Event – Sweden

ME5: Dissemination and validation workshop



SwIdeas organised dissemination and validation workshop in Lund, Sweden on 6 September 2022.

The event was attended by 32 participants, among which: (a) many students from Lund university interested in circular economy/zero-waste as well as in entrepreneurship; (b) professors ; (c) representatives of local NGOs and companies working in the field of sustainability/circularity/zero- waste; (d) representative of the public sector – Lund municipality – working within the project Lund 2030, as part of the initiative “Viable Cities:; and (e) representative of Avfall Sverige

The event was held in connection with the Transnational Project Meeting held in Malmö, Sweden, on September 6-7, 2022. Therefore, representatives of the partner organizations could participate and contribute to the event, while also having the chance to network and share their own expertise with the participants.

It was organized in a workshop/panel format, during which participants had a chance to be introduced to the goals and objectives of project while also having a direct training in selected topics of the IO1 training material (legislations and smart cities). The panel was contributed by several speakers from different sectors, including:

  1. Representatives of NGOs and private companies working within sustainability/waste management/circular economy
  2. Representatives of the academia, including professors from Lund University (Sweden) and from the partner organizations
  3. Representative of Lund Municipality, who is directly involved with the project Lund 2030, part of the Viable Cities initiative.
  4. Representative of Avfall Sverige, which represents all 290 municipalities and is often asked as a referral body and actively contributes with views before political decisions through its referral responses. Avfall Sverige has ongoing contacts with the Riksdag

(Parliament) and government as well as with several authorities in matters relating to waste management and recycling The institutions of the participants included:

  • Partner organizations (SwIdeas AB, İzmir Demokrasi Üniversitesi, Turkey, Balikesir University Veterinary Faculty, Balikesir, Turkey, Emkice KIC)
  • Återbruket, Cohabit, CirEko, Food Saving Lund, Avfall Sverige, Lund Municipality, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Lund, Sweden, and the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics

The aim of the workshop was to validate the ZeroWaste course, materials, and the web-portal, with different user groups and following the feedback improve the systems and materials. Participants were presented to QR codes during the presentation, through which they could directly access the results, following a zero-waste approach and minimizing the generation of waste. The same methodology was used to share the evaluation form and the flier of the project. Similarly, the Handbook of the ZeroWaste project was shared in digital format through QR codes.

This ME was devoted to the dissemination of the project, its results and also for final validation of the project results. Both through the panel and workshop highlighting the project’s results, participants could validate the work done within the ZeroWaste project. They got to see first-hand the results and understand how they can benefit them and support their learning trajectory, but also got to hear from several experts in the field within different sectors. The validation was done through the presentation of the hosting partner and other speakers, as well as through the Q&A/discussion sessions by the end of each panel, which were particularly useful to collect feedback/evaluation inputs in oral format on the project and its results.

Participants included the speakers of the panel sessions, as well as students from Lund and Malmö Universities and other NGOs, organizations, and

companies, particularly SMEs and entrepreneurs.

Evaluated IQs:

  • IQ1: Baseline report, innovative curriculum and training modules for adult educators
  • IQ2:Development of the ICT related resources and toolbox to support pilot training
  • IQ3: European Zero-Waste Handbook wirh Entrepreneurship Manual


The results of the multiplier event have shown the correctness and adequateness of the project’s methodology and results. Participants were very happy with the organization, logistics, and presentations, as well as

with the selection of speakers and themes of the panels. Although the number of responses collected in the evaluation form was low, the hosting partner collected notes of the participant’s feedback shared in oral format. This feedback highlighted that:

  • Participants were highly interested in the topics covered by the IO1 training modules.
  • Participants were happy with the structure and content of the handbook with entrepreneurship manual.
  • Participants were excited to be introduced to the first draft of the platform and hear about how the project’s material would be made available freely there.
  • Participants were interested in the results of the baseline report and agreed with the conclusion drafted in the same.

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