Multiplier Event – Balıkesir

ME2: Validation workshop for zerowaste smart city concept Balıkesir University and Karesi Municipality, TURKIYE


On 23 February 2023, Balikesir University and Karesi  Municipality organised multiplier event with the participation of 26 people from the project target group (Adult trainers (primary), Municipalities, SMEs and entrepreneurs and Professionals interested in starting a business in the CE context.  These activity aimed to validate the Zero-Waste course, and all project results produced life time of the project and mainly the ICT resources and e-learning platform with training modules, guides, toolbox and libriary with different user groups and following the feedback improve the systems and materials. The ME also aimed to promote the implementation of awareness-raising actions about sustainable resource and waste management. It encourages a wide range of audiences (public authorities, private companies, civil society as well as citizens themselves) to get involved. In this multiplier workshop the target group, stakeholders and other befeficiaries were invited. A program was prepared and it included presentation, disscusion and at the end filling the evaluation questionnaire. This multiplier workshop showed the correctness of elaborated materials in the project.

Evaluated IQs:

  • IQ1: Baseline report, innovative curriculum and training modules for adult educators
  • IQ2:Development of the ICT related resources and toolbox to support pilot training
  • IQ3: European Zero-Waste Handbook wirh Entrepreneurship Manual


  • The majority of the repondents voted  information of the project before and during the session were enough, event room and the equipments/logistics were adequate.
  • The quality of the presentations and time use were found to be convenient. The participants stated that the scope of the information presented in the multiplier event was useful to understand the aim of the event, project and the intellectual outputs.
  • Majority of the repondents voted “enough-5” that the training modules and resources can be applied successfully and the training content met their  expectations.

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